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Booking Comedy


You want to bring comedy to your:

  • Venue (Club, Theatre, Hotel, etc...)

  • Event (Concert, Conference, Celebration, etc...)

  • Colleges and Universities ( Member)

  • Church (Service, Conference, Outreach, etc...)

  • Business

  • Family Gatherings (Reunions, Weddings, etc...)

  • Cable/Radio/Internet Show

We match the best talent with your event.  All of our entertainers perform clean comedy regardless of occasion or venue.  They are tried and true to providing material that does NOT include vulgarity, explicit language or disrespectful undertones.  Our goal is to provide a positive entertainment experience that will uplift.


We want you to think of us as your LINK to all that is CLEAN, REFRESHING and ENTERTAINING!


JoAnn Pringle, CEO   



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